Buyer card for betel nut 进口商
Name: Ali Address: Maldives Country: Maldives Email: ab*******n@ho**** Mobile: 960-***50 Buying Products: Betel nut Import Country: Maldives
betel nut 进口商
im from Duy Khang Exim Viet Nam. i need whole white betel nut 50MT please contact me for more specs and quotation Betel nut
Buyer card for betel nut 进口商
Name: Jerleen Ilemangou Address: Other, Greenwood Village, USA Country: USA Email: je***********3@gm** Mobile: 1-46***428 Buying Products: Betel nut Import Country: USA
Any company selling betel nut 买方
Name: Sherylle M Email: ******s@*****.com Mobile: ******19319 Buying Products: Betel nut Country: USA Betel nut Beetle nut
Buyer card for betel nut 买方
Name: Mahibul Address: India Country: India Email: ma*************1@gm** Mobile: 91-7***7040 Buying Products: betel nut Import Country: India
Buyer card for betel nuts 买方
Name: Humaun Address: Bangladesh Country: Bangladesh Email: hk*********k@gm** Mobile: 880-***5632 Buying Products: Betel nuts Import Country: Bangladesh
betel nut 买方
im from Duy Khang Exim Viet Nam. i need whole white betel nut 50MT please contact me for more specs and quotation Betel nut
In need for betel nut 买方
Name: Liza Email: ******oliza98@*****.com Mobile: ******5568 Buying Products:Betel nut Country: USA Betel nut Betelnut
Need to buy betel nut
Name: Daniel Farinha Email : ******06@*****.com Mobile: ***********6 Buying Products : Betel Nut Country: South Africa Betel Nut Betel Nut
Buyer card for betel nuts
Name: Rami Ramadan Abutabeikh Address: Malaysia Country: Malaysia Email: ra*****y@gm** Mobile: 60-1***414 Buying Products: Betel nuts Import Country: Malaysia
I want to buy betel nut
Name: Md. Nur Ali Email : ******inioty@*****.com Mobile: ***********0 Buying Products : Betel nut Country: Bangladesh Betel nut Betel nut
Buyer card for betel nut
Name: Nasrullah Address: Pakistan Country: Pakistan Email: ja********e@ya** Mobile: 92-3***6313 Buying Products: betel nut Import Country: Pakistan
Buyer card for betel nut
Name: Steven Address: Washington, Orting, USA Country: USA Email: St***********h@gm** Mobile: 1727***14 Buying Products: Betel nut Import Country: USA
Buyer card for betel nuts
Name: yahya Address: Thailand Country: Thailand Email: ya***********5@gm* Mobile: 98-4***9 Buying Products: betel nuts Import Country: Thailand
Looking for supply of betel nut
Name: Md. Shahanul Mazid Email : ******nul4634.sales@*****.com Mobile: ***********4 Buying Products : Betel nut Country: Bangladesh Betel nut Betel nut
Buy about betel nut
Looking for betel nut, 90/95 split Jambi quality 80/85 split Jambi quality: CFR Chittagong betel nuts betel nut
I want company to supply betel nut
Name: Helly Email: ******lly@*****.com Mobile: ******51539 Buying Products: Betel Nut Country: USA Betel Nut Betel Nut
Buyer card for betel nuts
Name: Dhaval Address: India Country: India Email: nv************a@gm** Mobile: 91-9***7257 Buying Products: Betel Nuts Import Country: India
Buy about betel nuts
Name: Harun Rashid Email : ******.tex79@*****.com Mobile: ***********6 Buying Products : betel nut Country: Bangladesh betel nut betel nut
Buyer card for betel nut
Name: Mohid Address: Sindh, Karachi, Pakistan Country: Pakistan Email: Da***********2@ya** Mobile: 923***8596 Buying Products: Betel nut Import Country: Pakistan
Buyer card for betel nut
Name: joy Address: Bangladesh Country: Bangladesh Email: sm****7@gm** Mobile: 880-***6831 Buying Products: betel nut Import Country: Bangladesh
Need betel nut
Name: Ngirmang Takawo Email: ******55409@*****.com Mobile: ******90788 Buying Products: Betel nut Country: USA Betel nut Betelnut
Buy about betel nuts.
Name: Farhaan Ahmad Email : ******anlko@*****.com Mobile: *****9646 Buying Products : Betel Nuts Country: India betel,nuts Betel Nuts
Looking to buy betel nut
Name: Jackson Yamamura Email: ******ck412@*****.com Mobile: ******36101 Buying Products: Betel nut Country: USA Betel nut Betel nut
Buy betel nuts
Looking for betel nuts I want malaysian supplier Betel Nuts Betal Nut
Buyer card for betel nuts
Name: Kalpesh Address: India Country: India Email: pe**************e@gm** Mobile: 91-9***1286 Buying Products: betel nuts Import Country: India
Buyer card for betel nut
Name: Md Mostafijur Address: Bangladesh Country: Bangladesh Email: ha***********l@gm** Mobile: 880-***1546 Buying Products: Betel nut Import Country: Bangladesh
I want to buy betel nut
Name: Leonard saimon Email: ******aalanzo685@*****.com Mobile: ******19217 Buying Products: Betel nut Country: USA Betel nut Betel nut
Buyer card for betel nut
Name: Ted Address: Misamis Oriental, Medina, USA Country: USA Email: mo*************3@gm** Mobile: 1573***35 Buying Products: Betel nut Import Country: USA
Required good quality betel nut
Name: Jerleen Ilemangou Email: ******ugmai213@*****.com Mobile: ******656123 Buying Products: Betel nut Country: USA Betel nut Betel nut
Need betel nut
Name: smith jain Email : ******rihant@*****.com Mobile: *****6328 Buying Products : betel nut Country: India betel nut betel nut
Buyer card for betel nut
Name: Shashikant Address: India Country: India Email: sh********4@gm** Mobile: 91-7***4205 Buying Products: betel nut Import Country: India
Buyer card for betel nut
Name: Zelda telmetang Address: Connecticut, Portland, USA Country: USA Email: di*******1@ya** Mobile: 1503***24 Buying Products: Betel nut Import Country: USA
I am looking for company to supply betel nut
Name: Alvin Atalig Email: ******@*****.com Mobile: ******60619 Buying Products: Betel nut Country: USA Betel nut Betelnut
Want to purchase betel nut
Name: SNEHAL PATEL Email: *********** Mobile: ******1993 Buying Products: BETEL NUT Country: USA BETEL NUT BETEL NUT
I am looking for betel nuts
Want every month 2-3 container with yellow maize and spices extra betel nuts Green cardamom
Buy about betel nuts
I want 50 ton betal nuts for afghanistan betel nut Betal nuts
We require betel nut
Name: Khalila Email: ******a.pedro@*****.com Mobile: ******3422 Buying Products: Betel nut Country: USA Betel nut Betle nut
Looking for betel nut
HI I am looking for betel nut. share me all the details. Thank you betel nut Betel nut and kava
Buyer card for betel nut
Name: KAMAL Address: Bangladesh Country: Bangladesh Email: KA*********S@GM**L.COM Mobile: 880-***1198 Buying Products: BETEL NUT Import Country: Bangladesh
I want to buy betel nuts
Name: James Email: ******214@*****.com Mobile: ******98043 Buying Products: Betel nuts Country: USA Betel nuts Betel nuts
Buyer card for betel nut
Name: Dharmapo Address: Indonesia Country: Indonesia Email: dh*************e@gm** Mobile: 6282***2357 Buying Products: Betel Nut Import Country: Indonesia
I am looking for betel nuts
Name: Raajiv Chandra Email: ******024@*****.com Mobile: ******894106 Buying Products: betel nuts Country: India betel nuts betel nuts
Inquiry about betel nut
Name: yahya memon Email : ******memon365@*****.com Mobile: ****677229 Buying Products : betel nuts Country: Thailand betel nut betel nuts
Looking to buy betel nut
Name: Ridwaan puranwasia Email: ******yrecovery@*****.com Mobile: ******424 Buying Products: Betel nut Country: South Africa Betel nut Bettle nut
Buyer card for betel nuts
Name: Jd Address: India Country: India Email: so******d@gm** Mobile: 91-7***3346 Buying Products: Betel nuts Import Country: India
Buy about betel nuts
looking to buy young betel nut frozen betel nut hawaiiloha young betelnut
秩 | 描述 | 所需数量 | 国家进口 | 订单价值 | 到期日期 |
1 | betel nut | 16000 | 印度 | 1600000 | 26 Mar 2025 |
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