acid transfer pump (centrifugal type) with 3-4" discharge nozzle, 50m3/hr capacity and 100m head 买方
Name: safdar Address: Other, Saudi Arabia Country: Saudi Arabia Email: sj****d@ol********* Mobile: 55-1******5 Buying Products: Acid Transfer Pump (centrifugal type) with 3-4" discharge nozzle, 50m3/hr capacity and 100m head Import Country: Saudi Arabia
centrifugal pump model- centrifugal pump (3d/ 1 50-200/15 ie3) 进口商
We are looking for the below Centrifugal Pump Model- Centrifugal Pump (3D/ 1 50-200/15 IE3) Flow Rate (Q) - 72 m3/h Mechanical Horsepower - 20 HP Material Compatibility - Resistant to erosion from acidic fluids Centrifugal Pump yes
Buy centrifugal pump 进口商
Dear sirs Our company magic trade in egypt need to buy the following pumps (torrents water) centrifugal pump ( hydrostatic , flowrate 6000 galon/minute,at pressure 57 meter, allow solid material up to 95 mm , suction diameter 12 inch , deliver diameter 6 inch)) - submersible [...]
In need for centrifugal pump 进口商
In need for centrifugal pump looking for low price shipment location of centrifugal pump is Senegal our preferred supplier is from China, Hongkong centrifugal pump centrifugal pump
teco centrifugal pump 440 v. 4 pole 1 phase 进口商
Name: Brian Address: Philippines Country: Philippines Email: br*****************o@gm** Mobile: 6391******131 Buying Products: teco centrifugal pump 440 v. 4 pole 1 phase Import Country: Philippines
Buy centrifugal pumps 进口商
I need technical Sheet for pump with this caractéristic; Brand: Honda or equivalent, Model: WH 20, Type: self-priming centrifugal pump
centrifugal pump 进口商
Name: Tamirat Address: Ethiopia Country: Ethiopia Email: ta************3@gm** Mobile: 2519******706 Buying Products: Centrifugal pump Import Country: Ethiopia
Buyer card for centrifugal pump 进口商
Name: khx Address: Other, Senegal Country: Senegal Email: kh******o@ya** Mobile: 221-***2581 Buying Products: centrifugal pump Import Country: Senegal
Buyer card for centrifugal pump
Name: Tamirat Address: Ethiopia Country: Ethiopia Email: ta************3@gm** Mobile: 2519***706 Buying Products: Centrifugal pump Import Country: Ethiopia
Looking for voltage generator, centrifugal pump, pump, water pumps, plastic bag, sealing machine, power alternator, soap processing machine, soupfacial creams, dvd, dvr player, speaker system, transformer, blower, fan, finishing grinder, chain, saw, vacuum, hammer, control valve, wheel track, belt d
Name: Susuz Address: Lindenmuth House, 46 Greenham Business Park, Thatcham, Berkshire, UK Country: UK Email: Py****************d@al*** Mobile: 44-7******9341 Buying Products: Voltage Generator, Centrifugal Pump, Pump, Water Pumps, Plastic Bag, Sealing Machine, [...]
I need company to supply centrifugal pump
Name: Tamirat Bahiru Email: ******tbahiru23@*****.com Mobile: ******202706 Buying Products: Centrifugal pump Country: Ethiopia Centrifugal pump Centrifugal pump
Looking for centrifugal pumps
Hi, I am Dahlan Faqih in Indonesia, as a trader I got a request ti supply pump to replace the old one from my customer, and i looked the old one is your product.. can you offer me a new one ?? the product is water sypply pump model 40LG12-15X2, looking forward for your [...]
嗨亲爱的销售管理信息Majid Taghi Zadeh来自伊朗,Gorgan City,我是ZOB Shomal Industries Company的技术经理。我们的工作领域是铸铁铸造,基于我从离心式再生机的学习,我意识到我们可以回收高达90%的SiO 2沙子并将胶水与沙子分开,这非常重要。请将设备的规格和用于我的设备的照片和设备的照片发送给我 [...]
繁荣的春季本系列健康级离心泵采用SUS304,SUS316使用SUS316L不锈钢板夯制品,电机或防范爆炸爆炸电机为普通铸铁电气机械,可防止SUS304不锈钢安全面膜,进口另外输出进入快速安装夹类型,此外,内外螺纹型,法兰式和套管关节型,用于用户选择。该泵整体设计符合GMP代码要求,在类似镜像镜像亮和清洁的镜子中,不保持死角,高效节能,符合绿色环保产品。广泛用于制造药物,饮料等饮料,食品,脂肪,乳制品,日期,酝酿,环保,水处理。繁荣的弹簧BAW316L健康泵易于使用(开放式叶轮),备件之间具有非常强的互换性。需要很少的配件,一种尺寸符合DIN [...]
名称:Abdul Basit地址:巴基斯坦国家/地区:巴基斯坦电子邮件:AA.********** [email protected]:0345 *** 656购买产品:离心泵进口国家/地区:巴基斯坦
名称:组件地址:哈萨克斯坦国家/地区:哈萨克斯坦电子邮件:kz********[email protected]:7-70 *** 890购买产品:离心泵进口国家/地区:哈萨克斯坦
格伦·彭尼(Glenn Penny)是阿联酋阿特拉斯贵金属公司DMCC的业务采购经理。我们公司有兴趣向您的公司购买一系列工业机械。能否请您列出库存中的机械及其价格。斯坦利·格伦(Stanley Glenn)Atlas DMCC董事总经理地址:Zahker Time 1603,阿联酋阿布扎比,37352国家/地区:阿拉伯联合酋长国电子邮件,atlassmdcchooyahoo.com网站: [...]
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