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Name: hossein Address: Others1 Country: Others1 Email: ho***********i@gm** Mobile: 1917***82 Buying Products: injection molding Import Country: Others1
Buyer card for injection molding 进口商
Name: Nilantha Address: Sri Lanka Country: Sri Lanka Email: sa********r@gm** Mobile: 9476***63 Buying Products: injection molding Import Country: Sri Lanka
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Name: Naeem Address: Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad, Pakistan Country: Pakistan Email: qh*********r@ya** Mobile: 9231***886 Buying Products: Injection molding Import Country: Pakistan
Buyer card for injection molding 进口商
Name: Junaid Address: Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan Country: Pakistan Email: wo*******2@gm** Mobile: 9232***844 Buying Products: Injection Molding Import Country: Pakistan
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Name: MUHAMMAD SHAFIQ Address: Saudi Arabia Country: Saudi Arabia Email: sh****m@ms******** Mobile: 9665***747 Buying Products: INJECTION MOLDING Import Country: Saudi Arabia
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We are planning to the injection molding machine.Please contact us , if you are in the field of this requirements. injection molding Injection Molding Machine
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Name: Nilantha Email: ******water@*****.com Mobile: ******71463 Buying Products: injection molding Country: Sri Lanka injection molding injection molding
I want injection molding
Name: MUHAMMAD SHAFIQ Email: ******m@***** Mobile: ******812747 Buying Products: INJECTION MOLDING Country: Saudi Arabia INJECTION MOLDING INJECTION MOLDING
Need to purchase injection molding
Name: Junaid Email: ******iz82@*****.com Mobile: ******248844 Buying Products: Injection Molding Country: Pakistan Injection Molding Injection Molding
Want to purchase injection molding
Name: Naeem Email: ******dvisor@*****.com Mobile: ******544886 Buying Products: Injection molding Country: Pakistan Injection molding Injection molding
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Name: Randima Address: South Korea Country: South Korea Email: ra********4@gm** Mobile: 8210***227 Buying Products: Injection molding Import Country: South Korea
I am looking for injection molding
Name: hossein azimi Email: ******n66azimi@*****.com Mobile: ******20982 Buying Products: injection molding Country: Others1 injection molding injection molding
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Name: Maher Address: UK Country: UK Email: s.*********g@gm** Mobile: 4407***8160 Buying Products: Injection Molding Import Country: UK
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