jute sacks buyer 买方
Specification: New jute Vegetable oil-treated (VOT or Food grade / Hydrocarbon free ) bag size 44" (112 cm ) x 26.5" (68 cm), bag weight 907 gram (2.00 lbs), porter and shot 6 x 7, hemmed at mouth overhead dry sewn with 3 blue stripes in the middle. Packing: 300 pieces [...]
jute sacks 买方
150cm vertically and 80 horizontally, 500pcs, around 320gsm. I need new - it is eco-friendly packaging so please without color strip(s
jute sacks 进口商
Dear, SARL ASSILMATEC is an IMPORT/EXPORT company of various packaging and packaging goods located in Algeria, we would like to have information on your prices for the product "JUTE FABRIC" if possible. As well as receiving a catalog of all your products for future [...]
jute sack 进口商
Need to buy JUTE SACK, required quantity is 500000 with USD 1 expected price
jute sacks 买方
,Dear Sir, Please quote for jute bags for cocoa, coffee, cashew etc.:80kg, 100 kg loads CIF Tema 44” x 26.5” – 1020 grams 6 x 8, Hemmed at moth, Heracle sewn both sides, 300 bags / bale Please advise Agent"s Commission. Regards, MA Dufuor Manufacturer's Mandate Ghana [...]
jute sacks 进口商
Hi Supplier, please send me quotation for your MOQ for the jute sacks. Thank you
黄麻大袋买家卡 买方
名称:氏地址:40(8C9)安和香港,DIST 2,HCM,越南国家:越南电子邮件:th*********h@gm**l.com手机:84-9 *** 384购买产品:麻袋进口国家:越南
Buy jute sacks
I want 20,000 pieces of jute sacks what will be the cost per sack and what is your terms of transportation
我正在寻找产品:黄麻大袋规格:BT将使黄麻袋(每捆包装300袋44 x 26 50,2.25磅WTP 6 x8绣花3蓝色条纹OHDS接缝:44.0min缝合质量:缝合应是井张力和松散结束良好的打结的分配标准分批油的成分应是无毒的,并且批准用于包装材料,这些材料将与所选食品材料接触。配料油不含可以在食品材料中产生味道或脱味的化合物在黄麻袋中包装。黄麻袋的化学标准USAPOnifiables:1250 Mg / kg推荐方法:英国标准3845:1990和随后的皂化,根据Iupac WG 1/90(参考文献1和2)有机封印标准:应该分析黄麻袋他们的工厂Qulities没有不可扫视的气味 [...]
秩 | 描述 | 所需数量 | 国家进口 | 订单价值 | 到期日期 |
1 | jute sack | 500000 | 加纳 | 500000 | 30 Mar 2025 |
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