Edible palm stearin with iv 32 to 36 palm stearin 进口商
palm stearin 进口商
Annexure-A SPECIFICATION Parameters Required Standard Free fatty acids: 2.00% M.i.u ( moisture and impurities): 0.02% Saponification value: 186 Iodine value: 120 Titre c (melting point): 13.75" c TFM: 95% Specific gravity @ 25'c : 0.915 Density (kg/m3): 920 Flashpoint [...]
palm stearin 买方
Hi , Sir/Madam Requirements : Palm Stearin for Manufacturing Bio Diesel Product Specifications : Parameters Unit Spec 1)Free Fatty Acid as Palmitic Acid ( FFA). % Max02 2).Moisture & Impurities (M&I). %. Max 0 15 3).Idone Value Wijs ( IV). g1/2/100g. Max 48 4). Colour [...]
palm stearin rbd (refined deodorized bleached) 买方
Hi, I have an urgent requirement for Palm Stearin 120KG for a Client in Nigeria. I have already sent a request via your website and just following up with this email as I have a deadline of tomorrow to submit my quote. I will appreciate if you can give me a FOB quote [...]
rbd palm stearin 进口商
Hi, I have an urgent requirement for Palm Stearin 120KG for a Client in Nigeria. I have already sent a request via your website and just following up with this email as I have a deadline of tomorrow to submit my quote. I will appreciate if you can give me a FOB quote [...]
rbd stearin (palm stearin) 进口商
Hi, I have an urgent requirement for Palm Stearin 120KG for a Client in Nigeria. I have already sent a request via your website and just following up with this email as I have a deadline of tomorrow to submit my quote. I will appreciate if you can give me a FOB quote [...]
Rbd palm stearin
We require RBD palm stearin in wax form with a melting of of 50c ,white color ,of plant origin Used as a firming agent that goes into burning as a fuel
Looking for rbd palm stearin
A monthly supply of palm stearin to Kazakhstan is required. in the volume of 100 tons per month
Looking for rbd palm stearin
A monthly supply of palm stearin to Kazakhstan is required. in the volume of 100 tons per month
名称:Kalyan地址:印度国家/地区:印度电子邮件:kk.*******[email protected]购买产品:Palm Stearin进口国家/地区:印度
尊敬的先生们,请为我们提供最佳报价:产品:蔬菜食用油1型:CP8类型2:CP10包装:25升和20升数量:50 x 20期限:CIF加纳特马港付款:Sight LC我们期待收到您的报价最好的问候,Sam Paul Dangsammpowergroup.com
我是约瑟夫·布伦南(Joseph Brennan),我在伦敦-英格兰经营一家商业咨询公司,我有一个客户想要在您的业务类型或您所在国家/地区的任何盈利性企业中投入大量时间,如果您有能力和兴趣,请与我联系以寻求更多详细信息,问候,约瑟夫·布伦南(Joseph Brennan)电话+ 44-*******103电子邮件:joebrenn2015hotmail.com [...]
嗨,我们是南非的合作伙伴,我们每个月需要稳定300吨精炼棕榈油,如果可以的话,请与我联系。我的微信alice *******8 WhatsApp *******288569以下是详细要求:1。水分和杂质,最高– 0.1%2.FFA(游离脂肪酸,棕榈酸),最高-0.25%3。熔化温度-36-39?80-140克cm5。过氧化物的数量,最大5 12 mmol kg6。反式异构体的质量分数不超过0.5%气味和味道典型的精制除臭油,无味无味。我能否知道最小订购量。您能将完整的报价发送给我们您的最新产品目录吗?您提供免费样品还是样品的费用是多少 [...]
秩 | 描述 | 所需数量 | 国家进口 | 订单价值 | 到期日期 |
1 | 棕榈师 | 2 | 乌干达 | 400 | 14 Jul 2025 |
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