寻找钢制无缝钢管 买方
姓名:S地址:Ain helwan,埃及开罗,埃及国家/地区:埃及电子邮件:ta*******9@ya**o.com手机:20-0 *** 2555购买产品:钢无缝钢管进口国家:埃及
Laser micrometer 买方
Dear SirWe have been trying since many days from e-mail *******@*****.com but failed any how we are DIRECT LINE ENGINEERING CORPORATION Pakistan have already purchaised on laser micrometer but due to the uncertainitiand slump in pakistan industry we were stuck up.Now [...]
laser micrometer, spark tester 进口商
Hi GE.I am Vijay From Kat controls Pvt Ltd India. We are interested in trading/promoting your product Laser Micrometer in India. If you r looking for partner in India please call me on my mobile +*******04605.We are serving wire & cable industry in India & abroad from [...]
laser micrometer, spark tester 买方
Dear Sir,I am Gauri from Kat controls Pvt Ltd,India. You product range is very interesting and suitable for our application. Request you to send quotation of laser micrometer and spark tester. My email id *******@*****.com,*******@*****.com
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