thai white rice in bulk thai jasmine rice, long grain rice 买方
Hi, Please i'm interested to buy Thai long grain rice, can you confirm the if you have availability and minimum order. Thanks
frozen chicken meat & chicken parts 买方
Dear SirWe thank you for your mail and could you please offer us your C & F Price Jebal Ali Port Dubai for the following 1. 800-1500 grms Mix size 1 cont2. Chicken Fraks and Sausage Mix 1 cont3. Drum Stick Mix sizes 1 cont4. Gizzards and Liver Mix 1 cont Kindly give [...]
frozen chicken meat & chicken parts 买方
Dear SirWe thank you for your mail and could you please offer us your C & F Price Jebal Ali Port Dubai for the following 1. 800-1500 grms Mix size 1 cont2. Chicken Fraks and Sausage Mix 1 cont3. Drum Stick Mix sizes 1 cont4. Gizzards and Liver Mix 1 cont Kindly give [...]
frozen chicken meat & chicken parts 买方
Dear SirWe thank you for your mail and could you please offer us your C & F Price Jebal Ali Port Dubai for the following 1. 800-1500 grms Mix size 1 cont2. Chicken Fraks and Sausage Mix 1 cont3. Drum Stick Mix sizes 1 cont4. Gizzards and Liver Mix 1 cont Kindly give [...]
frozen chicken meat & chicken parts 买方
Dear SirWe thank you for your mail and could you please offer us your C & F Price Jebal Ali Port Dubai for the following 1. 800-1500 grms Mix size 1 cont2. Chicken Fraks and Sausage Mix 1 cont3. Drum Stick Mix sizes 1 cont4. Gizzards and Liver Mix 1 cont Kindly give [...]
购买泰国白大米25%破42公吨 买方
您好,我正在寻找一个卖家,他们将为我的细节提供细节,特别是42英尺的42英尺容器中的42公吨米,所有白色长粒米25%破碎。目的地是弗里敦,塞拉利昂港是免费的。这是一个紧急和严重的报价。我希望每50kg包的价格约为100磅,每公吨的价格定价为目的地米饭,长粒,25%碎白长粒米10%折叠 [...]
寻找长谷物白米(5%破碎和泰国茉莉米香水 买方
姓名:Samuel地址:Heaton Close,UK,英国罗福德国家/地区:英国电子邮件:Sa.*****@ho**** Mobile:233 ****** 2545购买产品:长谷物白米(5%破碎和泰国茉莉米饭香水进口国家:英国
Iam打算从泰国购买15000吨100%长粒白米,可能是A级或B级,约有25%破碎。这笔采购将运往非洲的象牙海岸,我需要港口的总成本和成本明细离开阿比让港口后离开非洲象牙海岸非洲。我叫亨利·奥拉,我居住在纽约。通过电话或电子邮件联系我电话:011-646 -707-9054电子邮件xxxxx泰国白米,长粒米,医疗设备 [...]
Looking for white rice long grain
Je suis l'un des fondateurs d'une société exportatrice basée à Tunis, en Tunisie. Nous avons un client au Bénin Port Cotonou qui demande s'il est possible d'obtenir 2000 tonne de riz n' importe quelle marque .je souhaiterais avoir une estimation des coûts (devis) ou [...]
愉快的下午!私营企业能源集团明斯克,白俄罗斯非常感兴趣:长谷白米饭,最大5%的经营(基础34)*,*井筒和双水抛光* 125吨(5个容器)*长谷物白米饭10%Brokens(基准34)*,*井下和双水抛光* 125吨(5个容器)*长谷白米,最大15%的批发(基础34)*,*井下和双水抛光* 125吨(5个容器)*长谷物白米饭,最大25%的经营(基础34)*,*井下和水抛光* 125吨(5个容器)** *越南长谷物白色茉莉米饭,最大。 5%破碎* s *(基础34),磨砂机&双重抛光* 25吨(1个容器)*越南长颗粒储层米 [...]
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