Buyer card for truck 买方
Name: Daniele Address: Italy Country: Italy Email: da******7@gm** Mobile: 276-***339 Buying Products: truck Import Country: Italy
Buyer card for truck 买方
Name: Rafi Address: Italy Country: Italy Email: ra********9@ma* Mobile: 39-3***1573 Buying Products: Truck Import Country: Italy
Buyer card for truck 买方
Name: Guerino Gallo Address: Italy Country: Italy Email: gu****l@pr******* Mobile: 3933***557 Buying Products: Truck Import Country: Italy
Buyer card for trucks 买方
Name: Francesco Address: Italy Country: Italy Email: ci***********a@al** Mobile: 3933***171 Buying Products: trucks Import Country: Italy
Buyer card for truck 进口商
Name: Christian Address: Italy Country: Italy Email: ch*****o@gm** Mobile: 3934***209 Buying Products: Truck Import Country: Italy
Buyer card for truck 进口商
Name: Federico Fossati Address: Italy Country: Italy Email: tu**i@ma* Mobile: 3934***010 Buying Products: truck Import Country: Italy
Buyer card for truck 进口商
Name: Valentino Allegro Address: Italy Country: Italy Email: V.*******o@ya** Mobile: 158-***5015 Buying Products: Truck Import Country: Italy
Want supplier who can provide truck
Name: Guerino Gallo Email: ******l@***** Mobile: ******446557 Buying Products: Truck Country: Italy Truck Truck
Need to buy trucks
Name: Francesco Email: ******donzella@*****.it Mobile: ******761171 Buying Products: trucks Country: Italy trucks trucks
Looking for supply of truck
Name: Christian Fonsatti Email: ******go@*****.com Mobile: ******945209 Buying Products: Truck Country: Italy Truck Truck
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