Lomina Superbio A.S.


会员自: 2022
布拉格, 捷克共和国

Our Services

- manufacturer of in vitro diagnostic medical devices

- distributor of in vitro diagnostic medical devices

- importer of in vitro diagnostic medical devices

- manufacturer of general medical devices - mass-produced

- distributor of general medical devices

- importer of general medical devices

- a person performing in vitro diagnostic medical device service

Aim / Vision / Mission

Our mission

LOMINA AG group is committed to provide high-quality diagnostic products and services to meet the global healthcare needs and to empower patients to make a critical decision about their health. A significant aim is to assist Health Care Professionals with their challenging world worldwide.


Our Core Values

Corporate culture

LOMINA AG group is combining resources from nearly all continents in order to develop and deliver innovative diagnostic tools to our customers. We are a responsible player that is looking at all aspects of the environment . Our core values define what we stand for, how we conduct ourselves, and how we interact with colleagues, customers, other partners. Our core values are:


We believe that quality is not only a must but it is a key to success in the medical field. Our organizational culture nurtures self-discipline and continuous improvement trough Total Quality Management procedures and trough both, joint and an individual effort of the entire organization.


We are achieving common goals through an open and straight forward communication. We show concerns for others and we are supportive of each other’s efforts.

Result oriented

We are constantly delivering required business results, meeting deadlines and productivity and performance standards.


We are running business with the highest standards of professional behavior and ethics. We are transparent, honest, ethical and fair in all of our interactions.


We are responding rapidly to changes in the internal and external world.



Filip Janota
Na Radosti 148/59, Praha, Hlavni mesto, 布拉格 捷克共和国
视图 话! | 视图 手机

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Filip Janota
Na Radosti 148/59, Praha, Hlavni mesto, 布拉格 捷克共和国
视图 话! | 视图 手机


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