BAM 1006连续颗粒监视器 细节
At the beginning of each sampling hour, a small 14C (carbon-14) element emits a
constant source of high-energy electrons ,known as beta rays, through a spot of clean filter tape. These beta rays are detected and counted by a sensitive
scintillation detector to determine a zero reading. The BAM 1006 then advances this spot of tape to the sample nozzle, where a vacuum pump pulls a measured
and controlled amount of outside air through the filter tape, loading it with ambient dust. At the end of the sample hour, this dust spot is placed back between the beta source and the detector, thereby causing an attenuation of the beta ray signal which is used to determine the mass of the particulate matter on the filter tape. This mass is used to calculate the volumetric concentration of particulate matter in ambient air.
The data is available in a variety of formats including hourly reports,daily reports,
weekly reports,monthly reports,yearly reports. All the data can be seen on the screen
of the instrument and online platform including cellphone app, website. Easy to
access to all the data. Simply retrieve the digital array from the unit, which contains
all of the PM2.5, PM10, and TSP data in a single file. The BAMs can be polled at any
time without interruption.
The BAM 1006 is designed to run continuously with
monthly or bi-monthly
scheduled maintenance. A single roll of filter tape will last two months. The BAM
1006 also contains a comprehensive self-test function which allows the unit to
preemptively test itself for any mechanical failures in the tape control system.
The BAM 1006 automatically measures and records ambient particulate concentration
levels (in milligrams or micrograms per cubic meter) using the industry-proven
principle of beta ray attenuation.
Three forms are provided according to customer needs: standard type, portable type
,double channel
Beta attenuation mass monitors are indifferent to the chemical composition of the particulate
matter whose mass density is being measured. As the name implies, beta attenuation mass
monitors measure only mass. No assumptions concerning the physical or optical properties of
the sampled particulate matter are necessary. This translates into reliable mass measurement
any time at any place.
Over 5000 instruments are working in different environments from big cities to remote
villages .The BAM 1006 has a field-proven record of reliability even in the most challenging
environments and particulate concentrations.
Continuous Improvement
BAM 1006 has benefited from continuous improvement. Over time, functionality,
performance and reliability have advanced. The latest generation of BAM 1006
incorporates a new generation of microprocessor and advanced electronics allowing remote
operation, enhanced communication.
Touch Screen Display
Standard desk top capability allows operational checks, data validation and reporting from
distant locations. Using the supplied software control of the BAM 1006 is simple, which
presents a graphical representation of the actual BAM 1006 screen display with full remote
control. The front door mounted high-visibility touch screen maintains all of the existing
functionality of the previous generation of BAM 1006 in a modern, logical and intuitive
format for easy menu navigation.
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关于 Tianjin Zhiyi Times Technology Development Co.,Ltd。
天津智易时代科技发展有限公司是由南开大学博士创立的高科技公司,2013年注册于天津市滨海高新技术产业园区,目前注册资金1000万。公司致力于各类环境要素在线监测,在线服务,集研发、生产、销售、服务为一体的环境监测行业领先的产品供应商。 公司产品定位于中高端市场,快速响应客户需求,及时推出符合实际应用的产品及解决方案,先后获得国家高新技术企业认证,科技型企业认证、软件企业认证、AAA信用等级认证。 公司拥有高水平的研发团队,专业化的开发能力,聚焦环境监测污染防治的关键需求,加快核心技术自主研发与成果转化,先后取得软件著作权、软件产品证书及专利证书等上百项知识产权。同时,与南开大学、天津大学等高校及中科院绿色智能研究院等科研单位紧密合作,提高环境在线监测技术高精专水平。