Buy Ball Pen Refills
i want to buy ball-pen refills with my own mesurements and i have a technical drawing. first order 40.000 pcs mixed colours including springs. please contact me to talk more.
Looking For Rabbit Feed
I`m interested in buying red speckled sugar beans. Grade 1 850MT per month. What would be the best way to get started?
Looking For Copper Woodturning pen kit for fountain and Roller ball pens.
We are looking for Copper pen kits for fountain and Rollerball pens.
Looking For Woodturning Pen Kits for Rollerball and Fountain pens in copper
Hello, We are a custom pen company in search of a pen kit supplier. We need copper pen kits for Rollerball and Fountain pens.
Copic markers Original, Genuine markers, pens and papers produced by the Japane...
Original, Genuine markers, pens and papers produced by the Japanese brand "Copic"
我们想购买儿童玩互动垫与定制打印 - Moq 10k
我们正在寻找可以向美国孩子们提供互动垫的潜在供应商,如下所示。 = 10到15万人2)尺寸= 6x3英尺与定制打印(我们将提供印刷设计)3)防滑4)为儿童保险箱5)灯和折叠能力希望您能够满 [...]
eraser gl pen
Looking for eraser gl pen, required quantity is 30000 with USD 0.08 expected price.
ball pen
Need to buy ball pen, required quantity is 100 with USD 180 expected price.
crown marker pen
Need to buy crown marker pen, required quantity is 200,000 with USD .03 expected price.
Flemish Giant Rabbit
Looking for Flemish Giant, required quantity is Lagos with USD 询问买家 expected price.
Writing pen
Hello, my name is Shila, and I am the procurement manager at prontaprint Kensington, London, UK. We specialize in printing and are looking to expand our supplier base. We are interested in purchasi [...]
Slimline Pen kit
Looking for slimline pen kits such as the one shown on the image (or similar ones).
Copic products , pens
Copic markers, pens and papers. Only genuine, original products by the Japanese 'Copic' brand.
Looking For Plastic Pen Mold Plastic Pen Mould
Hi, We need molds for all parts of writting pens. Please inform what technical details you need to offer us the best for us.
Looking For Promotional Pen
Hello, I want to order Yiren 328 fountain pen. I do not find your email. Plz contact me: *******@*****.com. Best regard
Looking For Promotional Products, Personalized Ink Pens, Personalized Writing Pe...
Hello, my name is Shila, and I am the procurement manager at prontaprint Kensington, London, UK. We specialize in printing and are looking to expand our supplier base. We are interested in purchasi [...]
Looking For Pen Mold Plastic Pen Mold Pen Mould Plastic Pen Mould
Dear SIr, We are manufacturer of ball, gel erasable pens and markers in india. we want to get molds from you. Would you please, let us know if you can take an order from our side. And a contac [...]
Molds for all parts of writing pens
Hi, We need molds for all parts of writting pens. Please inform what technical details you need to offer us the best for us. Waiting for your response verg anxiously.
Looking For Promotional Pen
Dear Ruby, We have your business card from a gifts show in HK before Covid. We have for you an OEM inquiry for your Pressfun Pen - 10.000 pcs, black body, custom logos inside + custom logo on bod [...]
Looking For Promotional Pen
help, need Vincent on our Pick3 lottery spinner keytag item BeNext Inno-Product Development Ltd. 1F., No. 56, Beixin St., Taoyuan Dist., Taoyuan City 33042 Taiwan (R.O.C.) Attention: Bruce L. S [...]
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