天津贝尔自动化仪表技术有限公司是其工业设备产品已知的大型中国阀门制造商。天津贝尔自动化仪表技术有限公司的工厂,公司在大明天津300112中国选址。天津贝尔自动化仪表技术有限公司是中国领先的组织,它是交易世界各地。天津贝尔自动化仪表技术有限公司详细名称樱桃。|地址大名天津300112 |国家中国|主要产品有闸阀|成立时间2014 |出口重点澳大利亚,加拿大,挪威,新西兰,英国|预计员工51 - 100人|注册资本US $ 500万 [...]
金属阀门有限公司是一家专业生产和销售水系统阀门的公司。公司拥有强大的科技实力,先进的生产设备和完善的检测技术,其实力在于行业的最前沿。本公司专业生产闸阀,全球阀门,止回阀,球阀,蝶阀和过滤阀,人孔盖,球墨铸铁管配件等,覆盖30多系列,规格600多,和年产量。容量超过20,000吨。产品涵盖GB,BS,DIN,AWWA标准,并远销欧洲,非洲,南美,亚洲,中东地其他国家和地区 [...]
Since our inception in 1998, our products are believed to be the best in the market place. The years of experience in this field have made us mature enough to understand the market necessity and come up with best suitable [...]
Boxing Motexo Industries Co.,Ltd is a professional specialist and manufacturer of all kinds of industrial fan&blower in the former Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. Our main 5 series of fan&blower are [...]
KONRAD:Monitoring solution, Bently Nevada:3500/3300 system,Proximitor probe etc. Germany EPRO MMS6000 systerm card MMS3000 system card PR6422 PR6423 PR6424 PR6426 PR9268 series of Proximitor probe etc. ABB PLC system [...]
We offer Power House Equipment (Air / Gas Compressor) Replacement Parts and Services around the World. website: http://www.bandgresco.com B&G Rotating Equipment Service Company, Inc.compressor seal was established in [...]
泰国食品产品国际有限公司生产和出口食品成分,食品添加剂,膳食补充剂,美容产品超过11年。我们的产品与GMP,HACCP和HALAL CERT符合。以下是我们的产品列表:1。食品成分和食品添加剂1.1非乳制品奶油1.2椰子奶粉1.3改性淀粉1.4木薯淀粉1.5谷氨酸1.6核糖蛋白1.7果糖糖浆1.8非磷酸盐(食品级)1.9混合磷酸盐(食品级)1.10榴莲粉1.11棕色糖1.12鲜奶粉1.13浓缩奶粉1.14蛋黄粉1.15蛋清粉1 [...]
日照CSSS外轮供应有限公司是一家航运供应商和船舶钱德勒专门提供货物运送材料,海员&#39S食品和免税物品的所有船舶和舰艇,它是HACCP和国际社会保障协会,IMPA公司的成员。我们可以供应的规定,保税仓库,甲板,发动机商店,免税商品,同时我们采取污泥,收购废旧从容器。我们的船钱德勒的服务宗旨是:1所提供保税仓库供应船的船只。2燃料供应(MGO,IFO,润滑油)3个DeckEngineCabinFilter商店物品供应。4看守供应 [...]
Zhengzhou Free Fluid Control Technology Co.,Ltd is leader in the design valve and application of special industrial valves , we provide high quality industrial products for our customers all the time. First introduced [...]
Tianjin Barnett Trading Co., Ltd., Honghu East Road, Hongqiao District, Tianjin, Covers An Area Of 50 Acres And Has A Mechanical Processing Workshop, Finished Product Debugging Workshop, Mold Workshop, New Product [...]
Jinzhou Donggong Petrochemical Products Co., Ltd. was established in 2008, is located in an important industrial city in the economic circle around Bohai- Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province, is a professional committed [...]
Medi Farcoo Limited is an innovative technology company which specialized in the Sales and Service of Medical Equipments and Accessories, mainly with Ultrasonic Diagnosis, Medical Monitoring, Dental equipment and Rehabilitative [...]
Baoding Anyou Industry Co.,Ltd, is located in Baoding, China. Main products: Rain gun, Impact sprinkler, Micro sprinkler, Drip tape, Dripper, mini valve, PP fittings, drip fittings Web: www.ayirrigation.com Email: anyou [...]
Shan Dong Finer Lifting Tools co., LTD produce Air Casters professionally from the year of 1998. Export to more than 50 countries and areas. Our Air Bearing Casters standard capacity as follows: 10T, 16T, 20T, 32T, [...]
Contact person: Jack zhu Phone: 86-15918714531/86-020-83182175 Email: [email protected] Website: https://www.ebay.com/str/99moon1974 Guangzhou honchang E-commerce Co.,Ltd mainly engaged in the development, [...]
中国路通配件厂是在柴油发动机制造商的专家大部分。专业的产品是泵头(VE泵部件)油嘴,柱塞,出油阀等。至于柴油发动机零件一个年长的制造商,我们不断与国际标准STEP和工艺。我们吸收了先进的生产和检测TECHNIC。我们的产品质量是与其他国外著名厂家的同一类 [...]
HPT Hydraulics manufacture fixed and dual flow bent axis piston pumps, fixed flow bent axis motors, valves and accessories in Turkey. HPT is a young and dynamic company operating successfully against competitors in [...]
Our focus is cryogenic pressure vessels, Dewar, LNG station equipment, industry gas equipment system products, it is versatile in the field of industry gas. LNG, steel, air separation industry,head industry, CNG and [...]
supply Forged Flange、Malleable iron Fittings、Forged fittings、Resilient seated gate valve、Knife gate valve、 Shut-off valve 、Globe valve 、Ball check valve、 Full welded ball Valve 、Y strainer
在1991年,Indotherm Equipment Corporation开始运营,梦想着组装,贸易和提供高度的期望炉和腰带输送机。作为ISO 9001:2008,确认了我们一直将其传达给我们的物品的范围,其中包含液压倾斜炉,收割炉和倾斜的无炉。我们开始运营,打算传达一个庇护和条件仁慈的物品。我们的物品范围助长了活力,并消耗较少的燃料,这是我们物品的重要亮点之一。我们有一个批准的卖方注册表,并且在进行了有力的研究之后,我们选择了最坚实的商人 [...]
We are manufacturer of hydraulic breakers and hydraulic breaker parts for breakers of famous brand, we have seal kits ,chisel,rod pin,moil point, piston, diaphragm, charging valve, thrush bush,ring bush,front cover, [...]
AFR精密科技有限公司成立于2005年,我们坚持与ldquoTechnology创新,持续改进,力求完美,质量第一&rdquo为我们的生产管理理念。我们专业制造精度移动弹簧,精密探头弹簧,计算机键盘弹簧和各种扭簧,拉伸弹簧和线簧的。随着公司与rsquos发展,我们目前拥有30台多套先进的生产设备,如各种精密压簧机,精密电脑502620等等。此外,实验室还配备有几个检测设备如压力测试仪,二维试验机,投影仪,盐水喷雾试验机等。AFR精密与ISO9001国际质量体系认证 [...]
CNSNS Pneumatic Hydraulic Co., Ltd是我们员工的成熟经验与[关键字]生产过程中涉及的机械创新技术融合的完美典范。我们在为多元化客户提供服务方面的长期经验使我们能够适应不断的技术变革和改进,从而获得Australia,Canada,India,Philippines,Thailand市场份额。无与伦比的技术专长与渴望成为行业中的佼佼者一起推动我们前进,我们实现了US$10 Million - US [...]
Ningbo Zhongan Forging Co., Ltd.目前在经营forging parts,pipe fitting,valve,auto parts 及 Pipe Fittings。 成立于 2009 ,初始商业资本为 US$50 Million,正在世界各地扩大根基,通过优质产品为全球数百万进口商所信赖。 自11 Years 成立,位于ChinaZhejiang649858 Luotuo,收入Approx 2 Million [...]
Yangzhou HF Meters Co.LTD自成立以来,一直是世界各地pressure gauge的主要 Manufacturer和Supplier,产值自 8 Years 前为US$2.5 Million - US$5 Million 。 年出口额约为 US$5 Million - US$10 Million ,Yangzhou HF Meters Co.LTD的估计市场份额为Australia,Canada,Germany [...]
al hefni est Private Limited专注于所有类型的[关键字]和最佳品质fitting.valve.pipe fittin,及时交付,并承诺多年的服务。在家居用品方面,审美吸引力是最重要的考虑因素,这也是我们最重要的优先事项,使我们能够遵循内部趋势并在产品中融入最佳色彩。我们的生产设施根据Australia,Canada,Chile,India,Thailand出口市场份额和围绕US$10 Million - [...]
为了帮助我们的客户应对不断变化的商业环境,我们计划将其作为[关键字]的最佳选择。我们在LPG cylinder,cylinder,gas cylinder等多种形式中提出了最好的[关键字]。我们已将技术先进的设备交给一流的技术工程师,从而实现高功能和耐用的生产。凭借优质和无与伦比的功能,我们的产品线可以产生[年度回报]的年度利润,这是由于India,South Korea,Taiwan,United States,Vietnam的出口市场份额和出口价值在US [...]
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