We are a leading manufacture with long history factory in China, and specialized in precision lathe for more than 50 years. Our products are including conventional lathe, heavy duty lathe, high precision Pipe threading [...]
Xinxiang Aida Machinery Equipment Corporation目前在经营Oil Filter,Compressed FIlter,Separator Filter,Stainless Steel filter,Vacuum Pump Filter 及 Compressor Oil Filter。 成立于 2014 ,初始商业资本为 USD 895522.3880597,正在世界各地扩大根基,通过优质产品为全球数百万进口商所信赖 [...]
在最具革命性的行业[公司名称] Private Limited已经达到了一个里程碑,因为顶尖的生产设施拥有先进的[关键字]制造技术先进的设备,提供可靠性,耐用性和最佳功能。自成立以来,在2013,我们设计的产品提供无法匹配的电气解决方案,因为我们只采购符合耐用性,安全性和符合国际标准的原材料。我们的出口业务也侵入了国际市场,目前持有Australia,Canada,India,Thailand,United Kingdom出口市场份额 [...]
对于运输设备而言,它需要耐用的制造,最优质的原材料和迎合顺畅功能的设计。 Shanghai Gongtao Ceramics Co., Ltd.在[关键字]行业中脱颖而出,成为Alumina ceramics,Zirconia ceramic,magnesia ceramic,Silicon carbide ceramic,Cordierite ceramic最知名的Manufacturer和Exporter。由于我们的顶级生产设施从不妥协 [...]
shenzhen taixin precision co., ltd. 是经营Vertical Milling Machine产品,在Vertical Milling Machine产业内享有盛名,初始投资金额2006。shenzhen taixin precision co., ltd.是一流的Vertical Milling Machine类Manufacturer和Exporter,为世界各地的客户提供服务 2006。 [...]
为了确保最佳输出,重要的是拥有兼容的输入并帮助我们的消费者群体,因为我们提供了自2005以来最高质量的[关键字]。由于我们位于15542,Zhejiang,China的技术先进的生产设施,我们在工业领域获得普及的原因是我们在此期间获得了高评价的产品设置。Yueqing Ruihua Cabinet & Whole Set Equipment Co., Ltd. Limited Liability Company拥有无与伦比的[ [...]
在建筑行业,我们发挥了重要作用,因为我们[主要产品]的质量在市场上占主导地位。我们的生产设施首先以初始资本的USD 447761.19402985推出,现在用熟练的劳动力和技术先进的设备来处理[关键字]制造,这是一个有信誉的Wholesaler。此外,由于我们的美学吸引力和耐用[关键字],我们持有Australia,Canada,Germany,India,United Kingdom跨境出口份额。由于我们的[主要产品],我们被列入 [...]
Shanghai Qiyi Electrical & Mechanical Equipment Co., Ltd.被列为领先的[关键字] Manufacturer和Supplier,因为多年的经验和专业知识可以产生最优质的产品和服务,从而获得Australia,Canada,India,Italy,United Kingdom市场份额。我们的公司企业位于[国家]最具商业活力的城市之一 - [城市],[州]。自2009成立以来, [...]
Shanghai Shenwang Radiation Protective Equipment Co., Ltd.目前在经营Lead Glass,Lead Glasses 及 Lead Goggles。 成立于 2003 ,初始商业资本为 USD 994029.85074627,正在世界各地扩大根基,通过优质产品为全球数百万进口商所信赖。 自17 Years 成立,位于ChinaShanghai140 Nanmei Alley [...]
Bonnin Instrument Technology Ltd. was founded in 2008, we are professionally engaged in production and R&D of laboratory testing equipment over 20 years with a depth of experience to bring cutting edge technology to [...]
沧州晨沧机械设备有限公司是专业的辊压成型机供应商。主要产品有梯形薄板成型机,瓦楞薄板成型机,琉璃瓦成型机,双层成型机等。距天津的主要港口和国际枢纽机场仅2小时路程,我们的生产设施交通便利,具有降低成本的优势。我们的产品已销往世界各地,包括北美,亚洲,非洲,澳大利亚和欧洲。我们非常了解来自不同地区客户的需求。我们有出色的出口团队来倾听您的要求,设计团队将根据您的要求向您展示最佳方案,我们还有专家,技术工人提供精密的工作。为客户提供了令人满意的解决方案并建立了长期的战略合作伙伴关系 [...]
Guangdong Save Aluminium Equipment Co, Ltd is a professional manufacturer in China to supply aluminium quenching equipment for aluminium extrusion system. Our aluminium quenching equipment is from 600 tons to 7000 tons [...]
Luoyang De Run Precision Machine Tool Bearings Co., Ltd. (DRZ), is a professional company in development and produce all kinds of precision machine tools Spindle bearings, CNC machinery bearings, apply for precision [...]
Contract Manufacturing: OEM Service Offered ,Design Service Offered Original Equipment Manufacturer. OEM
Monton bearing was established in 2001 seated in Luoyang--“Ancient Imperial Capital and Peony Flower City”,we focusing on the bearing field for more than 20 years and we specializing in the development of "High-tech [...]
Boxing Motexo Industries Co.,Ltd is a professional specialist and manufacturer of all kinds of industrial fan&blower in the former Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. Our main 5 series of fan&blower are [...]
We offer Power House Equipment (Air / Gas Compressor) Replacement Parts and Services around the World. website: http://www.bandgresco.com B&G Rotating Equipment Service Company, Inc.compressor seal was established in [...]
Zhejiang Haibo Door Co., Ltd. was set up in 2010. located in Hecun Town, Jiangshan City, Zhejiang Province. We are specialized in PVC interior doors, MDF doors, Veneer wooden doors, Solid wooden doors. Our factory covers [...]
Bahlol International是一家以消费者为导向的,以设计为导向和创新的公司,旨在成为巴基斯坦足球舞会的最佳制造商和出口商,旨在与著名的品牌,组织和企业家的连贯性,企业目标,商业目标,设计策略以及设计策略以及设计策略,以及设计策略,以及取得新产品的成功。 BHL-Sports是Sialkot巴基斯坦体育行业的崛起名称之一。可以将制成品的体育配件简要批量提供给全球。无论如何,任何种类或任何大小的货物都可以发货。 BHL [...]
The critical component - LED light source for the lighting fixture is from world wide well-known Brand: OSRAM(Germany),CREE/ BRIDGELUX(USA), SHARP/ CITIZEN/ NICHIA(JAPAN), EPISTAR/ HARVATEK/EDISON(Taiwan). Moreover, [...]
BME Bangladesh is providing multipurpose ICT based solutions that decision making, save time and adapt quickly to changes in your environment. We are operating the business for the last 14 years in Bangladesh. It was [...]
Guangzhou Mecan Trading Co., Ltd.经营 Ultrasound machine,operation equipment,ECG machine,Autoclave Sterilizer,medical x-ray, 及 Lead Goggles。 有着More than 6 Million US Dollar 的年营业额和 9 Years 出口历史,Guangzhou Mecan Trading [...]
RICO INSTRUMENT CO., LTD.目前在经营automobile gauge,marine gauge,motorcycle gauge,heavy machinery gauge,sensor 及 Fuel Sensor。 成立于 1980 ,初始商业资本为 US$5 Million,正在世界各地扩大根基,通过优质产品为全球数百万进口商所信赖。 自40 Years 成立,位于TaiwanTaichung1681 [...]
Main Product: CBD OIL Series Business Scope:CBD Vape Cartridge/CBD Battery/Disposable E Cigarette/Rechargeable e cigarette/Oil Filling machine/USB Lighter/Wax/Dry Herb series Mechanical equipment:Filling machine/Upside [...]
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