Buyer card for sulphur 买方
Name: Dmitriy Kozachenko Address: Ukraine Country: Ukraine Email: ko********o@gm** Mobile: 38-0***0100 Buying Products: Sulphur Import Country: Ukraine
Buy about high purity sulphur for export. 进口商
Name: Sergii Zghurovskii Email : ******.zghurovskii@*****.com Mobile: ***********75 Buying Products : Sulfur Country: Ukraine sulphur Sulfur
sulphur 进口商
Constantly we buy granulated sulphur 99,6-99,9 purity, in quantity from 5000 to 15000 tons a month! On the terms of CFR Haipong port, Vietenam!Please, send your conditions and the price
sulphur 进口商
We, give the German company! If, you can put sulphur onThe specified conditions send please SCO or a draught the contract forStudying! The price we understand that can change! We, ARZ GmbH, Hamburg, acting with full corporate responsibility and confirm* hereby our formal [...]
Buyer card for sulphur 买方
Name: Zoia Address: Ukraine Country: Ukraine Email: zl*******s@gm** Mobile: 7258*** Buying Products: Sulphur Import Country: Ukraine
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